Pytanie z dnia 08 sierpnia 2018
Hello! Such a question. If in a contract signed between employer and employee(on territory of Poland) is written that employee doesn't have right to work for 2 years for the other company/ employer that is a competitor in the same industry, but however that employee decides to do it because of bigger salary offer, what are the consequences ?
Kamil Zahorski Aplikant (Od 2016)
Doradztwo Prawne Kamil Zahorski
Zygmunta Augusta 5/2, 31-504 Kraków
Dear Sir, The answer to your question depends on the question of whether compensation for the employee was reserved in the non-competition clauses after termination of the employment relationship. If the employee receives such compensation, you can enforce e.g. payment for the damages all contactual penalty for the vialaion of the non-competition clause.
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