Kara nałożona przez UFG za brak OC pojazdu.
Pytanie z dnia 11 grudnia 2024
Subject: Request for Legal Assistance Regarding UFG Penalty
Dear Sir/Madam
I am writing to request legal assistance regarding a penalty imposed by Ubezpieczeniowy Fundusz Gwarancyjny (UFG) due to the alleged lack of OC (mandatory third-party liability insurance) for my vehicle. Below is a detailed explanation of the situation I have faced:
Vehicle Purchase:
I purchased a second-hand vehicle from an authorized BMW dealership in Poland. The purchase process was completed successfully, and I was informed by the dealership that I would need to arrange the registration and insurance of the vehicle.
Penalty Situation:
After the purchase, before completing the vehicle's registration, I was penalized for not having OC insurance for a period of approximately three weeks. During this time, I was unaware that the vehicle was not covered by insurance, as I assumed this would be arranged as part of the dealership process or that the previous owner’s policy was still valid temporarily.
Penalty Amount:
UFG imposed a penalty of approximately 8,000 PLN, including additional fees from the tax office. This entire amount was forcibly collected from my bank account.
Actions Taken:
I submitted a formal appeal to UFG, explaining my circumstances and the misunderstanding regarding the insurance obligations. However, my appeal was rejected. I believe this penalty is unfair, given the circumstances of the purchase and the lack of proper guidance provided by the dealership.
Request for Assistance:
I am seeking advice on whether it is possible to recover part of the penalty or if there are legal grounds to challenge the UFG’s decision. Additionally, I would like guidance on how to navigate similar situations in the future to avoid misunderstandings about mandatory insurance requirements.
The penalty has placed a significant financial burden on me, and I would greatly appreciate any support or advice your organization can provide. Please let me know if additional documents, such as the purchase agreement or UFG correspondence, are needed to assist with my case.
Thank you very much for your time and assistance.
Best regards,
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