Pytanie z dnia 23 stycznia 2024
Our contract with a professional manager terminated on 31 December 2023. We are only 4 apartments with 3 families. Combined my wife and I have the majority share in the building, and we believe it doesn’t make sense to hire another manager to account for a minor amount of common expenses. Our neighbors are resisting this. We would like your advice or assistance in dealing with this problematic relationship. There are things we’d like to do to simplify our common expenses, perhaps by separating our common expenses into individual accounts, as much as possible. Looking forward to your response. My wife is a Polish speaker. I speak English.
Tomasz R. Weigt Adwokat (Od 1997)
Kancelaria Adwokacka Adwokat Tomasz R. Weigt
Daszyńskiego 12/1, 59-700 Bolesławiec
Please contact me regarding this matter. Regards Adw. Tomasz R. Weigt, tel. 601-225-208
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