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Pytanie z dnia 09 września 2022


My landlord is trying to increase the price of my rent even though we just signed an annex to the contract until January 2023 which says the rent will be 1600zl + 60 electricity. They gave me the option to either accept the increase or look for a new apartment starting next month. I feel like if we signed a contract she can not just increase the rent whenever she likes, even though the prices got higher for heat/water.
Please Advise, thank you.

Hello, as to advise you on that matter, it will be necessary to analyze the lease agreement. I have to verify the provisions of your contract in relation to the Polish law. Feel free to contact me, I will quote my services covering this issue: advocate Elzbieta Walczak, write via the contact form on: www.walczaklegal.com or via my direct e-mail: elzbieta.walczak@walczaklegal.com

Odpowiedź nr 1 z dnia 9 września 2022 11:56 Zmodyfikowano dnia: 9 września 2022 11:57 Obejrzało: 245 osób

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Dear Sir / Madam In order to be able to provide advice on the matter, it will be necessary to analyze the documents described. On the other hand, according to the act on the protection of tenants' rights, increasing rent or other charges for using the premises, with the exception of fees independent of the owner, may not be made more frequently than every 6 months. In this case this rule was respected. This means that unless you have turned off this rule in your contract, the landlord may have had the right to demand a raise. What most likely is incorrect here is too short notice period, which, according to the above-mentioned act, should be at least 3 months. Regards. Adw. Tomasz R. Weigt, tel. 601-225-208

Odpowiedź nr 2 z dnia 9 września 2022 12:38 Zmodyfikowano dnia: 9 września 2022 12:38 Obejrzało: 243 osób

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