Rozwiązanie umowy z prywatnym przedszkolem.

Pytanie z dnia 13 października 2022

I asked to terminate the contract to a private preschool.
The director said that I have to notify then 3 months in advance to terminate the contract, so I have to pay tuition fee by January.
In August, the contract was partially changed and I signed it, but at this time the notice period was changed from 1 month to 3 months.
I didn't know that.
In August, the director sent me a contract file by email to read that the partially modified contract and to sign it later. so I received a printed contract from the preschool, signed and submitted it easilly.
The director didn't explain to me the detailed contents of the changed contract.
However, even though she was obligated to explain the details of the contract to me, she did not do so, and this puts me in a slightly unfair situation, so I don't want to pay tuition fee for three months.

Dear Sir/Madam In this situation, you can try to submit a declaration of avoidance of the legal consequences of the signed annex to the contract due to an error and a response to the request for payment with reference to this declaration. However, if the director does not accept the declaration, it will be necessary to defend against the claim for an additional two-month fee in court. Regards. Adw. Tomasz R. Weigt, tel. 601-225-208

Odpowiedź nr 1 z dnia 17 października 2022 14:30 Zmodyfikowano dnia: 17 października 2022 14:30 Obejrzało: 196 osób

Czy uznajesz odpowiedź za pomocną?

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Podziękowałeś prawnikowi

Dear Sir/Madam, in this case it is not clear whether or not the contract has been effectively changed, in order to give an advice it would be necessary to read to initial contract and its amendment form August. Kind regards

Odpowiedź nr 2 z dnia 18 października 2022 11:03 Zmodyfikowano dnia: 18 października 2022 11:03 Obejrzało: 193 osób

Czy uznajesz odpowiedź za pomocną?

Nie udało się wysłać odpowiedzi.

Podziękowałeś prawnikowi

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